Running Remote Conference 2023 Day #1

For the first time I attended a non-technical event and had a lot of insightful information to gather.

Running Remote Conference 2023 Day #1

For the first time I attended a non-technical event and had a lot of insightful information to gather.

Running Remote conference was held in SUD Lisbon. A cool place with San Francisco bridge look like.

SUD Lisbon

Starting talk that I attended had a insightful information from Atlassian.

Key trends
1. workplace flexibility is what matters not only remote
 - Team anywhere guidebook from Atlassian - Team playbook
 - Working agreement plays a good role
2. Bad meetings are burnout
 - meetings are just tools not practices
3. Without engagement nothing else matters

Some key highlighters from Day 1:

  • Tools are meaningless unless you engage people
  • 95% people wasted more time on tools rather than task
  • reduce micromanage and bring visibility to what’s happening
  • Collaboration with document gonna make meetings more meaningful
  • Create automatic tasks directly from a doc from a meeting - this idea can work best
  • Sometimes you need to stop and let your brain archive information. This will help you to get more ideas.