MacOS Alpha Channel issue [imagemagick]

MacOS Alpha Channel issue [imagemagick]
Photo by Gabriela Gonzalez / Unsplash

While uploading screenshots from the Figma file to our Apple store screenshot section, we faced multiple issues:

  • Alpha channel or transparency
  • Image sizes are not proper (2x channel)

So what I saw was while exporting the assets we had used the 2x option for the images.

To fix the alpha image issue I used CLI option to fix for quicker results.

First we need to install imagemagick package:

brew install imagemagick

Now we can use a single command to update the entire folder and remove alpha image option. I used find command with convert to remove alpha.

find . -name "*.png" -exec convert "{}" -alpha off "{}" \;

I will keep adding more information in this post to keep track of useful commands to help in the development process.

Note: Such posts are Google friendly but for me I normally such for same issue again and again to find same answer. So now I have started keeping blog post to know the right answers. I had created one project called as "OnSeAn" - One Search Answer( I need to work more on it to mature it. Code available: