Generate sitemap Angular SSR

Creating sitemap for a site that has pre-render support gets little tricky. I have been looking over docs to get some resources. But haven't found any. So I used a way that can help to get the sitemaps for a SSR site.

We would need to use two NPM packages:

  1. Sitemap
  2. Glob

At first we need to generate the static bundle from the script of Angular SSR.

From that we will have a dist folder with static HTML code.

We will use Glob module to fetch all the files in the dist/static  folder.

const { globSync } =  require('glob');
const routes = globSync('./dist/static/**/*.html')

This will create an array with all the generated static code.

Now we can use this paths to create the sitemap.xml using Sitemap module.

const { createWriteStream, readdirSync } = require('fs');
const { SitemapStream } = require('sitemap');

const sitemap = new SitemapStream({ hostname: '' });

const writeStream = createWriteStream('./sitemap.xml');


sitemap.write({ url: '/', changefreq: 'weekly', priority: 0.9, lastmod: new Date().toDateString() });


Now finally we can generate the required sitemap using following:

for(var routeIndex = 0; routeIndex < routes.length; routeIndex++) {
  const routeLink = routes[routeIndex]
    .replace('dist/static', '')
    .replace('index.html', '')
    sitemap.write({ url: routeLink});